My original post about Gravity Hill has generated more comments than any other post. The requests for directions have gotten to be more than I can handle one at a time, so I am posting instructions on how to get to the Gravity Hill that I know about here. Briefly, what happens here is that cars placed in neutral in a trough in a road back rapidly up a hill.
This is not a unique phenomenon; such are reported all over the world. Some people say that all such phenomena are optical illusions, and that may be true for some. In this case, however, this is a for-real Gravity Hill, not an optical illusion. If you stand near the top of the road, and a car is in the trough of the road, you will find yourself looking down on the top of the car. This would not be so if it were an optical illusion, unless somehow light is being bent in funny ways, in which case there is still a mystery here.
Please note that this is the only Gravity Hill I know about. If you know of others, feel free to post directions in a comment. Thanks!
The directions assume you are already in the Rohnert Park area; Rohnert Park is on 101 just south of Santa Rosa.
Take the Rohnert Park Expressway east to Petaluma Hill Road.
Take Petaluma Hill road south to Roberts Road.
Take Roberts Road East to Lichau Road.
Take Lichau Road east for a while. At the very crest of a hill, where there is an iron gate with a ranch name on it (something San Antonio), you are at the start of the Gravity Hill section.
Drive down to the bottom of the trough you see in the road. If you start climbing up again, you've gone too far. The circled spot in the map shows roughly where this is.
What I do when I reach this point: I stop my car, but leave the engine running and the car in neutral. I keep my foot off (but near) the brake pedal. My car is facing east. At this point, it starts to roll all the way back up the hill toward the something San Antonio gate. Of course, I am careful to look in the direction in which the car is rolling, keeping an eye out for other cars, as this is a narrow road.
Enjoy the spookiness!

DISCLAIMER> This is in no way a recommendation for unsafe driving. Always be cautious when driving, and watch out for other drivers. Take care of yourself and others in the car, always wear seatbelts, always have your child safely seatbelted or in a car seat as appropriate, obey all traffic laws and the rules of common sense, and drive safely.