
December 01, 2005

Creating Miracles

A number of people, including myself, believe that our attitudes influence the world around us. Many of us go so far as to say that we create our own reality. Though some might find that hard to believe, even the most cynical or skeptical cannot deny that, at the very least, our attitudes influence how we *experience* the world around us. For example, we always have the choice of how to think about anything: We can choose to think negatively about an experience, or we can choose to think positively. How we choose to think about something determines how we experience it. So why choose to think negatively about something when it is possible to think positively? Also, many studies have shown that people who choose to have positive, cheerful, optimistic outlooks are healthier and happier in many ways and on many levels.

Just so, there are those who believe that having an attitude of thankfulness or gratitude can powerfully affect our lives as well, even creating miracles in our lives.

So what am I getting at? My brother Peter just sent me a Web site that is running an experiment in having people choose to feel and express gratitude. I’ve just signed up for it, so I know nothing more about it beyond what is on the Web site, but I think that it can’t hurt and it may even do some good. I encourage you to check it out.

For those of you who may wish to explore this idea of gratitude in another way, I highly recommend getting the 15-Minute Miracle Workbook. I’ve only done maybe 14 entries, and I’ve already had a number of good results (the author would call them miracles). The workbook is charmingly homemade looking, but powerfully effective nonetheless.

October 03, 2005

Reasons to NOT Be An Organ Donor

Believing as I do that our bodies are a part of our spiritual makeup, I have never wanted to be an organ donor, because I didn't want to leave behind pieces of me were I to die. However, I never had anything to back up my intuition on this issue until I found this:

Take the Pledge to Think Good Thoughts Once a Day

Wonderful idea! A few people consciously creating can offset a lot of people creating unconsciously.

August 12, 2005

A Third Path: Intelligent Design

For a long time, the battles concerning whether there is a God or not, and if so, what role he/she might have had in the creation of the universe, has been presented in the media as a battle between Darwinists, who believe that everything evolved over a long span of time in a process referred to as survival of the fittest, and Creationists, who believe that God created everything one sunny October morning some 4,000-odd years ago. Fossils and the like are explained away by Creationists in various ways that make sense to them.

My own beliefs settled somewhere in between: I believe the world is much, much older thatn 4,000 years, and I believe that all living beings evolve over time, and I also believe that there is a set of beings I refer to as our Creators who have had some kind of hand in our creation, though I admit I haven't really thought it entirely through. (There is much precedent for there being more than one Creator from the human perspective. Perhaps more on that later, if I remember to make a post on how the word used to refer to God in the Bible is a plural almost every time it is used, and how even conservative Biblical scholars pretty much have decided that yes, the ancient Jews worshipped more than one God, including a Goddess.)

Today, I read an article forwarded to me by one of my brothers, and it goes further into that unexplored territory than I have gone before. It concerns a third way of thinking about the universe as approached by people who say that there must be an intelligence that has designed life--hence, their beliefs are called Intelligent Design.

This article can be found here: It is long and perhaps a bit much for the casual reader, but if you can, I encourage you to stick with it all the way through. The concept of Intelligent Design certainly has caused me to take another look at my beliefs, in a good and positive way, and also addresses something that I believe is a subtle, pervasice cause of much that is wrong with our culture (world-wide) today: The lack of belief in there being any kind of meaning or spiritual component to life, the lack of belief in any kind of soul, the lack of belief in there being anything anyone can do that matters in any way.

Since I have already asked you to go read a rather lengthy article, I will continue on this subject in another post.

April 07, 2004

Blaming God

Venturing once again into the often-touchy area of beliefs about God, I am speaking today of the topic of blaming God for every bad thing that happens.

My Japanese exchange student/host daughter has a pretty good English teacher—at a public high school, no less. But because my host daughter struggles with reading English, and especially with reading literature in the English language (because of the much larger vocabulary in those books than she encounters in everyday spoken English), I have been reading each book she has been assigned so that I can help her with her homework.

Bear with me... I am getting to the point of this essay.

So far this year they have read

  1. Bless me, Ultima, by Rudolpho Anaya, an excellent and interesting book about a young Latin-American boy growing up in New Mexico in the 1940s. Ultima, the title character, is a strong and positive influence, encouraging the young boy to find his own truths and to work on the side of good. One of the central conflicts the young boy has is that his official family religion, Catholicism, doesn't provide him with the deep and direct connection to God that he believes should be possible, and the priests are helpless against the very real spiritual evils that are present. Instead, it takes Ultima, a woman who has studied herbs and the world of spirit her entire life, to successfully combat the evils that others perpetrate.
  2. Things Fall Apart, by Chinua Achebe, telling of the coming of the arrogant and ultimately evil British colonizers to a section of Africa. This book does not hold back on showing how the culture that the British destroyed had some evils of its own. The main point of this book is that a society needs to have a strong set of rules that everyone consistently follows, with clear and agreed-upon consequences for violations of those rules. The introduction by the British of a religion that breaks many of those rules is one of the things that ultimately destroys the African society.
  3. All Quiet on the Western Front, by Erich Maria Remarque, an unrelentingly grim story of World War I. Religion is not a part of this book except in a very chthonic, earth-based way.
  4. The Lord of the Flies, by William Golding, an allegorical tale of some boys stranded on a Pacific island during World War II, and how most of them turned into vicious, killing savages. The main point of this book is that, without each person having an internal set of ethics, morals, and standards by which to live, it doesn't matter how idyllic a setting or how ideal a society or how sane and rational the laws of that society, the structure will not hold.
  5. And finally, they are currently reading Night, by Elie Wiesel, a true, first-person account of a young boy's experiences in the Nazi death camps in World War II.

As Elie experiences the inhuman brutality of the death camps, he loses his faith in God; as he says over and over again, how could God make this happen? At best, he wonders how God could allow these things to happen. And here at last (thanks for your patience), we come to the topic of this essay: Blaming God for every bad thing that happens.

A lot of people believe in God, and even say they believe in a loving and merciful God, but when it comes right down to it, they blame that supposedly loving and merciful God for every bad thing that happens to them--they say that God kills people in accidents, causes earthquakes, floods, fires, and other disasters, and in general wreaks mayhem and murder upon everyone and anything. They even go so far as to say that God "makes" people do this and that—that God makes someone be cruel or kind. In short, whatever bad thing happens, it isn't the fault of the people it happens to or the people who are doing it, but is instead it is all God's fault, and he is to blame. When asked to explain why God allows these things, the convenient dodge is to say that God is beyond our understanding.

Basically, underlying this belief system is a deep and unrelentingly anger at God and a refusal to be responsible for one's own situation. How anyone can claim they believe in a loving and merciful God while at the same time blaming him for everything bad is beyond me. Obviously, they do not really believe that God is loving and merciful.

I heartily disagree with this belief. I believe that God is both loving and merciful, so much so that when we die, we are never subjected to the Hell that people claim exists, no matter what we might have done that makes us think we deserve it. Instead, we go to a much better place, where we are given a chance to review our deeds and learn from them in a loving way.

I also believe that God loves us so much that we have all been given free will. Just as no loving parents could ever want to coerce their children or cause their children to do bad things, just so will an infinitely more loving God not wish to coerce us or cause us to do bad things. Instead, we are given the choice to behave well or badly just as we choose.

Free will must be total to be true free will. It could not be a loving act to give us free will, then tell us that we are not allowed to do this or that. No, instead, heaven and hell on earth are always options open to us, but only as far as we create them ourselves. So God did not make the Nazis commit the unspeakable acts of horror they commited. They chose to commit those acts on their own. You could argue that yes, God did allow it, but just so must God allow all things. Otherwise it would not be free will. And hard as it may be to accept, we are responsible for our own choices and actions, and we cannot blame anyone else, including and especially God, for what we do. Therefore, the best thing we can do is try to become as loving and merciful as we would like God to be. To which I say, Amen.

=+= =+= =+=

If you are interested, I did a channeling in 1996 from a Nazi general that addresses many of these issues at a much deeper and much lengthier level.

July 17, 2003

Sunday Evening Communion with the Angel of Creative Work

Image of a group of child angels with an older teacher angel. From, June 10, 2003; said to be copyright free.

Prepare yourself as described elsewhere. If you wish, use the Lord?s Prayer.

Evening communion thought:

Angel of Creative Work, descend upon humanity and give abundance to all human beings.

Focus: The bees, who work so tirelessly, and the creative work of all human beings in any area of life.

Rationale: Creative work is what makes life worth living, not only for those who perform that work, but also from all those who benefit from that work. Without creativity, it would be a sterile, uninteresting, and ultimately dead world indeed. Creativity is one of the very essences of life itself; without creativity, you cannot have life. Creative work contributes to your evolution as a spiritual and human being.

In contemplating creativity, think about what it is and how it is manifested in your life. How do you express your own creativity? How much rein do you give it? Creativity is also a key to effective problem-solving, as it can help you think of new and unusual solutions where you might otherwise not find a solution at all. Do you find yourself limiting yourself by your thinking, or do you find new and different ways to solve problems?

Creativity can be learned and it can be increased. One very easy way to do so is to either do somethign new every day, or do something that you usually do every day in a different manner. These acts create new synapses in your brain and also help break you out of "rut" thinking and help you develop the habit of tackling problems from many different perspectives.

In contemplating the meaning of creativity, you can, as with all the Essene communions, increase your receptivity to the energies of all the creative works of humanity, and then be able to use this power in all aspects of your life#&151;not just those things that are conventionally thought of as the areas where creativity is applied.

June 28, 2003

Sunday Noon Essene Communion: Peace with the Kingdom of the Earthly Mother

Image of an angel lifting her arms up to the earth. From, June 10, 2003; said to be copyright free.

Prepare yourself as described elsewhere. If you wish, use the Lady's prayer.

Noon communion thought:

Heavenly Father, send to all your Angel of Peace;
To the kingdom of our Earthly Mother, the Angel of Joy.

Focus: In this communion, think of those ways in which you are already at peace with the kingdom of the Earthly Mother, and of ways in which you can become more at peace with her. Think especially of the trees and other natural settings and how they contribute to the overall health and well-being of this planet.

Continue reading "Sunday Noon Essene Communion: Peace with the Kingdom of the Earthly Mother" »

June 26, 2003

Sunday Morning Essene Communion with the Angel of Earth

Isis, mother of all. From, June 10, 2003; said to be copyright free.

Prepare yourself as described elsewhere. If you wish, use the Lady's prayer.

This morning's communion thought:

Angel of Earth, enter my generative organs and regenerate my whole body.

Focus: Think upon the soil of the earth and how it supports all life, and how everything is renewed by the earth. Feel the energies and essence of the Angel of the Earth moving within your body, aiding your body in its ability to transmute its sexual energies into regenerative abilities.

Continue reading "Sunday Morning Essene Communion with the Angel of Earth" »

Saturday Evening Essene Communion with the Angel of Eternal Life

Image of Time as an old man and a young child. From, June 10, 2003; said to be copyright free.

Prepare yourself as described elsewhere. If you wish, use the Lord's prayer.

This evening's communion thought:

Angel of Eternal Life, descend upon me and give eternal life to my spirit.

Focus: Contemplate the thought field that is being constantly created in the universe, and become aware of your part in creating that field through your contribution of your own thoughts.

Continue reading "Saturday Evening Essene Communion with the Angel of Eternal Life" »

Saturday Noon Essene Communion: Peace with the Kingdom of the Heavenly Father

Blurred image of an angel in brilliant colors. From, June 10, 2003; said to be copyright free.

Prepare yourself as described elsewhere. If you wish, use the Lord's prayer.

Noon communion thought:

Heavenly Father, send to all your Angel of Peace;
To your kingdom, send your Angel of Eternal Life.

Focus: The kingdom of the Heavenly Father is the entire cosmos. The Heavenly Father is the masculine principle. (There is also a feminine principle, represented in these communions as the Earthly Mother, but not limited to earth by any means.) The Heavenly Father is an evolving consciousness with thoughts, emotions, and a spirit nature who is aware of all and wants to be in personal, direct communication with each person. If we allow ourselves that communication, we can receive all the guidance, help, and information we want or allow ourselves to accept.

Continue reading "Saturday Noon Essene Communion: Peace with the Kingdom of the Heavenly Father" »

June 21, 2003

The Essene Communions: Preparing Yourself

As mentioned elsewhere, this general communion is to be used before each specific Essene communion.

Before beginning each communion, it is good to clear one?s life of distractions for the time it takes to enter into the communion, understanding that the communions do not have to take up much time. It is more the quality than the quantity that counts.

Also, start each communion with a general prayer to set the energy of communion to one of reverence, respect, and thankfulness:

I enter the eternal and infinite Garden of Life with reverence and a heart full of thankfulness for the Heavenly Father, the Earthly Mother, the great masters, the holy teachings, and all those who follow the path of Love.

If you do not want to use this particular prayer, there are two more that you could use instead; one being the well-known Lord?s prayer as said by the Essenes, and the other being the lesser-known Lady?s prayer, also said to have come from the Essenes. You could, for example, use the Lord?s prayer to precede the heavenly communions and the Lady?s prayer to precede the earthly communions, then use the general prayer for the third communion of the day.

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The Essene Communions

I am starting to post the Essene communions that I mentioned in an earlier post. As mentioned in that post, I recently read—or perhaps I should say, devoured—a book by Edmond Szekely calle From Enoch to the Dead Sea Scrolls. I got a lot out of that book, and initially had reorganized his materials so that I could use them every day in the simplest and most straight-forward manner. I've been accused before of having a high tolerance for organization, though it may not always seem that way to those who visit me. :-) In my writing, though, I defy anyone to come close to my highly refined abilities to take a mess of written material and create elegant order out of it.

But I digress. Part of the Essene practices were to have three daily communions: One in the morning, one at noon, and one at night. After organizing Edmond Szekely's materials, writing up my own insights and notes in the process, I have worked with the communions for several weeks now. And though it undoubtedly will sound arrogant to some, others who understand my very long spiritual heritage will not be surprised to hear that I have started to develop my own completely fresh and original materials based on each communion. Which I am going to start posting here, so you can commune along with me if you like.

One vital aspect of each communion is to prepare yourself for the communion. This involves a certain mental and emotional preparation to attune yourself in a general way with the loving and live-giving energies we move within, before focusing on one particularly aspect of those energies with each communion. Rather than repeat the general material, which is more or less the same for each communion, I am posting it separately.

Saturday Morning Essene Communion with the Earthly Mother

Image of an angel feeding doves. From, June 10, 2003; said to be copyright free.

Prepare yourself for this communion as described elsewhere.

This morning?s communion thought: The Earthly Mother gives the food of Life to my whole body.

This morning?s focus: The food and good herbs we take into our bodies and how they nurture us and connect us to the earth?s vast network of nurturing energies. Our bodies have an innate natural wisdom that makes it possible for them to absorb and use these energies according to their natures, nurturing and replenishing our bodies' vital forces.

Continue reading "Saturday Morning Essene Communion with the Earthly Mother" »

June 09, 2003


I am sure you have already heard about it, but in case you haven't, cloning is the process of making an exact genetic copy of a person or animal. I've watched with some interest the various debates going on about cloning—Should you clone your dead wife? Your favorite pet? Yourself, so you can harvest organs out of the cloned body?—expecting at any moment that someone would come up with the obvious truth, and so far, much to my disbelief, no one has said it. At least, no one that I saw or heard.

Continue reading "Cloning" »

June 08, 2003

The Essenes

I have recently been drawn to studying the Essenes. I am not stranger to them; having a metaphysical minister for a mother, in addition to having the abilities to see a bit into the next dimension, if you will, as well as my own personal interest in that which is unseen, has given me an educational background that includes knowing about religions and philosophies of the world.

Yet I was not always interested in them. What I knew about them was that they were a group of people who lived and taught for some time before, during, and after Jesus's lifetime, and that in fact Jesus himself was an Essene. I also knew that they lived sort of communally—not in a Communist way, in which no one is responsible for anything and no one owns anything, but in a more highly developed and self-responsible fashion. I also knew that they are honored to this day for what they were capable of and for their teachings, since apparently they not only walked their talk, but were able to, like Jesus, demonstrate that their path had concrete results in terms of being able to perform what we might call miracles.

That was about the extent of my knowledge until recently, and I can't really say I have learned a tremendous amount more, but the little bit more I know has given me a lot to think about.

Continue reading "The Essenes" »

April 05, 2003

Acting as if it Matters

I was going to follow up my post about Half Past Dead with a discussion of life after death experiences (one of which features in that movie), but I just woke up (having gone to bed uncharacteristically early) from a wild follow-on dream to an even wilder dream I had last night about watching all the old gods come sailing past (in the air) in a Viking-style boat, on their way to a celebration for all humanity. I don't remember what tonight's dream was, but I woke up with an idea and a phrase: "What if it all, after all, not only matters, but totally matters?" The idea being that the world dances to our tune, and whatever we are experiencing is a direct result of what we think, believe, and feel.

Allow me to elaborate.

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April 01, 2003

The Aliveness of All Things

I was once married to a man, wonderful in many ways, who scoffed at my ideas about how everything, whether conventionally thought of as alive or not, is in truth alive and has some form of consciousness. Which means, therefore, that one could communicate with anything.

I haven't forgotten that; I even wrote a very short poem about it, which I will quote in a bit. And I do truly know that what we are talking about is a matter of belief to a great extent--even when I communicate with things, my stern scientific upbringing reminds me that one must always be open to ALL possibilities, including the possibility that one is deluding oneself. But then, the fact is that I sense/feel/know the truth of what I am feeling, and I know that one of the things I have to teach others is how I learned (and am still learning) how to trust myself.

In this case, in my feeling of connectedness and awareness with all living things...a feeling that is more sometimes, and less others, but always there. Out of that I have come to believe that all things are living, even the rocks and hills and water and other things traditionally thought of as inanimate. Certainly they may not seem to move of their own volition, but there is life there.

If you prefer, you can think of the rocks and hills as spirits dreaming of themselves as rocks and hills, if that makes you more comfortable. Just be aware that some spirits are more awake than others, even among those who are supposedly the living. :-)

Here is the poem, short and to the point. My commentary on this poem is, "Some people live in a dead world and pity those of us who speak with rocks. In the end, who is the richer? Who the poorer?"

Dry Times

He lives in a dead world
The sticks and stones speak
But he hears only silence
And a vast dry wind that blows all help away.

Copyright 1990 by Marina Michaels

February 13, 2003

Beautiful and Relaxing Web Site

I have seen a lot of Web sites that attempt to do what this one does, but most fall short. This one is nearly perfect, marred only by the advertisement at the very end. Tasteful, yes, but an advertisement nonetheless. However, I still HIGHLY recommend you take a few moments to experience this presentation. If you have speakers, that is even better, though sound is not vital to the experience, which is primarily pictures and text reminding us that we are alive and that life is beautiful. Go. Enjoy. Then come back for more here.

February 12, 2003

Freedom and Responsibility

One trend that I find disturbing in America in recent decades is the tendency to want to create new laws restricting freedoms. There is always a "good" reason for these laws: Someone, or several someones, abused their rights and privileges, and therefore we need to legislate away those rights and freedoms for everyone.

Some of this legislation is what many people call "feel good" legislation: When most people hear about it, without really thinking it through, it makes them feel good, as though they are participating in doing something positive in the world.

Unfortunately, few of these laws stand closer inspection. Many just don't make sense, and are the equivalent of taking away everyone's right to drive because a few people don't drive well. In fact, many remove rights that are not rights that the government has any control over in the first place. What do I mean by that? I mean that America is founded on the idea that there are certain rights that are inalienable, that are each person's by the very fact that they are human beings. That means that no one and nothing is able to take those rights away.

Continue reading "Freedom and Responsibility" »

January 31, 2003

Gravity Hill

I am still sick as a dog, but am thoroughly tired of lying in bed sleeping or resting. If that makes sense. I am also done with being sick, thank you very much, so someone please make it go away now.

Near Sonoma State University, there is an area that is informally called Gravity Hill. There are no signs to it, and no way of knowing you are there if you don't already know that you are there. Basically, it is a road that follows around on the side of a hill, where the road dips down to a trough, then climbs back up. If you drive to the bottom of the trough in the road and put your car in neutral, the car backs rapidly back up the hill. It is a bit eerie and kind of cool.

Continue reading "Gravity Hill" »

January 22, 2003

Neither Rain Nor Snow

I was visited this afternoon by a pair of earnest, clean-cut, young Mormon elders making their rounds of the neighborhood. They stood there on what passes for a porch for my house, drenched and dripping.

I was wearing my galabeyah (a long, caftan-like robe) from Egypt, which is now, after several years of steady use, looking definitely second-hand, and I had to go pick up my daughter from her school in just a few moments. Otherwise, I would have invited them in for a cup of hot herb tea out of sheer pity.

Nonetheless, we had a brief and interesting conversation, and they invited me to attend the local church, which I may very well do. I am just not sure what Mormons would think of someone saying that they not only talk with Jesus and God, but Jesus and God answer back. :-)

Continue reading "Neither Rain Nor Snow" »

December 31, 2002

The Blunders of the World

I found this Web site, and although I disagree with some of what this person says and how he interprets things (for instance, he seems to be unaware that Gandhi himself said that the worst thing the British did was to disarm India (see footnote 1), and that that is what forced him to use nonviolent methods to achieve his ends), I do like the principles themselves.

The "blunders of the world" are

  • Wealth without work
  • Pleasure without conscience
  • Knowledge without character
  • Commerce without morality
  • Science without humanity
  • Worship without sacrifice
  • Politics without principles
  • Rights without responsibilities

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