The Ancient Origin of the Roma People

The Information

During the Atlantean era, one group of people had the tradition of sending their children out on a trek or journey at a certain stage in the children’s development. The children on these journeys ranged in age from early to late puberty (from approximately 12 years old to around 17 or so). The children went out in large groups, with just a few adults along to supervise and assist. The purpose of these journeys is not clear to me. I believe it was a sort of walkabout; a way for the children to come of age and to also work out a number of things without too much parental interference. The reason for the large age range is that the children were sent when they were felt to have reached a certain developmental stage, a stage which some reached later than others.

I do not know exactly how long these journeys lasted, but it was a number of months—I think around nine, as a symbolic representation of the gestation period. (The children preparing to be born again as adults, basically.)

The children and their escorts traveled in caravans (wagons to us Americans) somewhat resembling the caravans that the Roma in recent centuries used. However, there were many differences in these caravans from the traditional horse-drawn ones.

For one thing, the bodies of these caravans, rather than having straight sides and an overall rectangular shape, were instead round, like a cylinder on its side, and were much larger in every dimension. I am not good at visually estimating dimensions, but I think they were perhaps 20 feet (or a little more) in length.

These caravans also had much more advanced technology, with heating, lighting, and other ammenities powered in ways that we do not yet have today. The energy used was a very, very clean energy, without any kind of harmful emanations or radiations. When I “look” at the energy psychically, I become aware of and am astounded at how much worse our current form of energy is—astounded, because we put up with it.

The caravans were made of some kind of light-colored silvery metal, not shiny but dullish. They were not drawn by animals. I do not know what the motive power was, but it was another application of the same very clean energy source being used inside the caravans. The caravans had extremely tall but very narrow wheels, like the wheels of a prairie wagon. However, the wheels also were made of the same metal (alloy?) as the body of the caravan, and they were narrower in proportion to their size, and also very tall in proportion to the caravan itself.

At the time of the destruction of Atlantis, there was a large urban area (much like the San Francisco Bay Area—one large extended city covering hundreds of square miles of land). I will just call this area the city.

The city surrounded a very large, irregularly-shaped bay that had a long and very narrow outlet that led south to a much larger body of water—perhaps an ocean. The bay was roughly curved toward the top, with ragged margins, like many fingers, and larger fingers reaching southward. If you poured pancake batter on an inflated balloon, it might drip down in the shape of the margins of this bay.

A huge, strange pyramid-like metal structure floated above the bay. What was strange about it was that the upper part of this structure was like the pyramids in Egypt, but about 1/3 of the way down, instead of continuing the slope, the surface changed its angle sharply, making a bend and even curving back upward a bit. The surface was covered with plates of what looks like a metal that is a darker color than the caravans—a darker steel blue-grey. Small flying metallic air cars flew in and out of an opening in the pyramid part of this structure. I mention this only because this was part of the information I received, not because I understand its significance.

A large group of children from this city were out on their journey and far away from home either at the time of the destruction of Atlantis, or at the time of the destruction of their city.

The children had traveled a very long way east of their city, and were close to another large body of water at the time of the destruction. The land was quite flat where they were, and the few trees around, which had a very dark bark and were tall, slender, and sparsely branched, with the branches reaching toward the sky, were bare of leaves. I don’t know if this indicates the time of year, or whether something had happened to blast and blacken the trees.

When the city (and Atlantis?) were destroyed, the children had to go on with the rest of their lives. I do not know how they reacted to the events themselves (sadness? fear? dismay? horror? grief? calm acceptance?), but one of the decisions they made was to stick together and to watch out for each other as the only friends and family they had left.

With this decision, as they grew up, they tried to retain as many of their customs and traditions as they could. They also tried to stay together and to keep their bloodlines pure, not so much out of snobbery as out of a feeling that there was them, and then there were the outsiders. It is hard to explain the sense that I get about this. There was (at least, in the beginning) no animosity toward other bloodlines, but there was a strong and definite sense that staying within their own bloodline was a form of honoring their lost families and friends.

Because they were children, they did not have a full understanding of their culture and technology, though they tried to learn as much as they could from the few adults who were with them. (But how many of us, if cut off from everything we know, would be able to explain how a computer works, let alone know how to build one? Where would we begin? How would we get the metals and other materials? How would we shape them?)

Aa the information was passed on over a period of close to 12,000 years, much was lost or changed. (But then, much was lost to everyone when Atlantis was destroyed.)  The wonderful energy sources were lost fairly early, and so the caravans had to be replaced with much cruder ones drawn by oxen and, later, horses.Still, the Roma culture is deeply rich and complex.

That is the end of the information I received. The one additional piece of information I have received is that I have been asked to share this information because it will serve a positive purpose. Some purposes I do not know and do not necessarily need to know. The information was a gift, as is my gift of being able to see such things, and I am grateful for both.

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