How To Save Money

How To Save Money #5: Cook At Home

A great way to save money, improve your health, and possibly even lose weight is to cook at home rather than eating fast food or dining out. There are many excellent, delicious, and healthy meals you can make for very little money. Even if you don’t think you have many cooking skills, there are a lot of meals […]

How To Save Money #4: Wait Before Purchasing

This one is very simple. A lot of us buy a lot of things on impulse, only to later wonder why we bought it, or to not use it or eat it after all, and then we realize it was just a waste of money. Multiply these impulse purchases by however many times you make […]

How To Save Money #3: Rent DVDs

Although it can be satisfying to have a large video collection, most people don’t ever watch a movie again after purchasing it. That constitutes a waste of money—sometimes, a lot of money. I have seen struggling young couples with children to care for who have trouble making ends meet, yet they own hundreds of DVDs. At $20 […]

How To Save Money #2: Freecycle

This is the second entry in my series on ways to save money. Unlike the first entry, which proposed that you stop subscribing to television service, this one is much easier to do. Join your local freecycle group. A freecycle group is a group of people who very simply do one of two things: They offer items for free, […]