A Small Corner of Peace

The claim is that when Himalayan salt is gently warmed, it emits negative ions. Negative ions help clear the atmosphere (in part by attaching themselves to particles, such as smoke particles, and pulling them out of the air) and help lighten your mood.

In addition, I know from my own experience that salt has a powerful cleansing and protective effect on one’s energy field, though that is when applied directly, such as when using a salt scrub to shower with. And of course many people recommend using salt crystals to clear the energy on quartz crystals.

And finally, the salt lamps, especially the ones that have been carved in specific shapes, are said to be excellent additions to the feng shui of your home.

When I Googled the term looking for a salt lamp to buy, I found many, many people selling Himalayan salt lamps, along with a variety of other Himalayan salt products. Being a thrifty shopper, but also concerned about quality and the ethics of the companies I purchase from, I compared prices and looked at each Web site carefully before settling on Gama International. This company offers excellent prices. They also assert that they refrain from child labor and do their best to enhance the quality of life for those who work for them.

When my first order arrived, I knew I had made an excellent choice. As a psychic, I could “read” the energy on the salt lamp and salt candle holders I had ordered, and it was a very clean, pure energy. Eager to try it out, I immediately plugged in the salt lamp (I had purchased the “prosperity bowl,” called on some Web sites the “bowl of fire,” a lovely choice!). Not right away, but within a few hours, the area of my house where that lamp is plugged in became a small haven of even more peacefulness than the rest of my house. It is almost tangible. I love how I feel even just looking at it, and walking by it.

The candle holders also do the same thing, but although I love candles (using only pure vegetable oil candles, of course!), tending the candles and also cleaning out the holders takes time, and it uses up a lot of candles to keep one going for hours. Since I wanted to have more lamps that could be left on 24/7, like the prosperity bowl, I ordered more lamps so that I could place more around the house.

The bottom line? There really is something to the Himalayan salt lamps. The area of peacefulness that surrounds my prosperity bowl is tangible. When I look at it, something inside relaxes, and I feel calmer and like everything is okay. If you want to improve the feng shui of some area of your house while adding something lovely for your eyes to enjoy, try one of these lamps.

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2 thoughts on “A Small Corner of Peace

  1. I just thought I’d drop you a line to say that I very much enjoy reading your Blogs Maria! I too have a salt lamp and whilst I’m not able to ‘read’ the energies surrounding it, I do love the soft, peachy glow that it emits. Here’s hoping that one day I’ll be as sensitive as your good self! (I am seeing occasional flashes of colour in my peripheral vision nowadays but I’m unsure as to whether the source of these colours is produced by myself or something outside of me..if there is such a place!?!)

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