What to do with Reality

In the early 1980s, I started reading a series of books by Jane Roberts. Much like me, Jane Roberts was a highly gifted and clear channeler, though she was a trance channel while I am a conscious channel, and she mainly focused on creating and building a relationship with one entity, Seth, while I seem to have a cadre of spirit friends. Neither approach is better than the other; I am just pointing out similarities and differences.

Seth is what I call a probability master; he conveys a ton of information on the topic of probabilities and on how we construct our realities.

The Seth books were not my first introduction to the idea that we each create our individual realities—starting when I was 11, my mother used to drag me off to our local Church of Religious Science. The Religious Scientists basically teach the same thing, though they use different terminology, so when I started reading the Seth books, the concepts weren’t entirely new. However, the way they were presented, and the vast additional amount of practical information on how the universe works, were.

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