Only Infinite Justice and Mercy

As a psychic, channeler, and medium, I’ve spent a lot of time communicating with the other side, including with the loved ones of those who remain on earth.

In all my communications with the dearly departed, I have never once encountered any reference to hell. Instead,  I have only ever seen infinite justice and mercy.  This has held true no matter what a person had done or how badly they treated others while in a body.

I recently came across an article about the topic of hell that provides the results of a lot of research, with the conclusion being that Jesus (Yeshua) never taught that there was a hell.

While you’re at it, take a look at this article on mediums and the Bible.

Sanitation and Safety

A few years back, I took a sanitation and safety course at my local JC. I took it because it was required to take any of the more interesting culinary classes, and I do like to cook. I passed the course with flying colors, a new respect for germs, and greater wariness for restaurants., where I see sanitation violations everywhere. And I am completely not OCD. I am the mom who picked up her daughter’s fallen binky, rinsed it off–maybe–then gave it back to my daughter. Bur what restaurants do? shudder

One of the things I was convinced to get back then was a fingernail brush–a professional quality type–one for every sink in the house. And yes, I use them. While clearing up a stack of papers, I found the instructions for them, along with the Web site where you can get more, and since they are very cheap, and because I am recycling that piece of paper. I wanted to (A) share the information with you and (B) post the information here in case I ever want to find them again.

The brush is an FB001 Fingernail Brush, and it can be gotten at


Everyone is entitled to their opinions, and in fact, I am not sure it would be possible to stop some people from having them. Lots of them. But there’s a difference between having an opinion and expressing it, and also a difference between having an opinion and believing that somehow your opinion is the only right one to have. Or, worse yet, believing that your opinion entitles you to trying to coerce others into agreeing with you.

For example, let’s say your friend has set her sights on a particular career and is working hard to achieve that goal. If you have concerns about that career (safety, legality, suitability), then you are entitled to express your concerns once or perhaps twice. But only as concerns, and only as your opinion. Beyond that, as long as the career is not self-destructive, it is none of your business what your friend is planning to be, and in fact friendship demands that you be supportive of her choices.

But what if you think it is self-destructive of your friend to pursue her chosen career?  First, ask yourself if you are truly seeing things from her perspective, or whether you are instead judging her choices by your own preferences. What you may think is self-destructive may not have any reflection in reality if you aren’t separating your own preferences from your friend’s.

For example, perhaps you have a friend who is really well suited for the corporate lifestyle, but you personally would find that lifestyle stultifying. Don’t tell your friend to abandon her plans if that is your only concern. Continue reading

FrameMaker Single Master Template Procedure

If you use FrameMaker, you are probably aware of how much trouble you can get into when you have a set of separate templates for a book. But most people struggle with it anyway, not knowing how to get around it. I hope you will enjoy learning about a procedure I came up with many years ago for creating a single master template for all your different templates for a given project; say, the title page, table of contents, chapters, appendices, and index templates for a book. Using this procedure, you will take a set of separate template files for a book and create a single master template out of them. I am providing the instructions as a high-level list of steps; I assume you know FrameMaker well enough to know how to access the various commands.

The benefit of this procedure is that when you are done, you will have a single master template for your book. When you make a change to this master template, you can freely import that master template into all files in your entire book, so that each file in your book will be up-to-date with the latest version of your template, without worrying about messing up anything.
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Long ago in the MS DOS days. I recall being told that there was a difference between the DEL and ERASE commands. One just deleted the directory entry for the file (and therefore the file could in theory be restored), the other actually erased all the data from all the sectors that file was stored on (better for security).  However, although it would seem that intuitively DEL would do the former and ERASE  the latter, I also recall being told that the commands were not intuitively named, though that source wasn’t reliable.

Doing a Google search has turned up a plethora of sites on these commands, but all the ones I checked claim that both commands do exactly the same thing. Can anyone help me out here with the correct information on these two commands? Thanks!


I’ve loved Nutella for as far back as I can remember. However, for a very long time, I have avoided it because it was made with partially hydrogenated fats (now more commonly referred to as trans fats), which I’ve known since the 1970s were Bad For You. (More.) I do not know why it has taken the rest of the world to catch up on that one—that information was freely available to any nerd anyone who read Science News.

Anyway. I have recently discovered that Nutella has been reformulated to that it no longer uses partially hydrogenated fats. I think I heard choirs of angels singing when I discovered that fact. They use modified palm oil now, which is perhaps only mariginally better, but I’ll take that margin. (My cholesterol levels have always been quite healthy, thankyouverymuch.) So, lately, I’ve been having Nutella as a dessert almost every day—Nutella on brownie bites, Nutella and crepes, or just Nutella on a spoon. I’m not picky.

My beloved has expressed a concern (tongue firmly in cheek, of course) that, with my new enthusiasm for Nutella, perhaps there is some kind of addictive chemical or other in it, and that it is all probably part of a plot for Alien Domination.

To which I say, if this is part of some alien plot, then beam me up.

Burnt Cookies

This is just a quick question/rant, and I sincerely would like to have someone answer it. Why do people donate burnt cookies (or burned other baked goods) to bake sales? I am talking about cookies that are completely black on the bottom, not just a little darker than they should be. (And even those should be kept at home for the family, not donated to a bake sale.)

I mean, seriously. They have to know those cookies are burned beyond edibility, and they also have to know that people won’t eat burnt cookies. People especially don’t like paying for burnt cookies in all innocence and trust that they were paying for a good product. It is so disappointing to purchase a tasty-looking cookie or brownie or whatever, and then when you unwrap it and bit into it, you find that it has that chalky, charcoaly burnt taste and texture. So you just throw it away, which the original baker should have done in the first place. (Well, in our household, it would be composted, so at least it wouldn’t be a complete waste.)

Anyone have the answer? Yes, I know that they usually have committed to supplying five dozen cookies or whatever. But for heaven’s sake, if these people burn some of the cookies, why don’t they just bake some more? What makes them think it is okay to donate inedible food? Don’t they realize they did not, in fact, meet their obligation after all, even if it looks like they did?

And then I have to ask myself, why didn’t I ever just take the cookies back and ask for good ones? Because I was being polite, I guess. But it is so totally not polite to foist burned food off on someone, and it doesn’t serve anyone to let them get away with selling inedible food. They might as well have had lumps of charcoal out—that would have been more honest. The next time I get burned cookies at a bake sale, I am going to take it back to them and ask them nicely to give me unburned ones. There is no possible other right response to that but to apologize and make good on the error.

The Issue of Faking It

Some people fake it, not necessarily all the time, but some of the time. At least, they only fake it some of the time at first. Unfortunately, the more they fake it, the more they lose the ability to know what is real and genuine, and then the more they have to fake it.

I am not talking about sex. I am talking about psychics. I sometimes come across Web sites expressing disappointment in some psychic or channeler or other, and I think it is time to talk about it. Of course, I already cover some of this topic in my article here, but I am adding to that information to specifically address the issue of psychics who fake it and the repercussions that such actions have.

The biggest issue is that people expect psychics to be 100% accurate 100% of the time. In addition, if the psychic is a channeler and especially if the psychic is a trance or whole-body channeler, there is an expectation (very often on the psychic’s part as well) that the psychic must be completely infallible and will never make a miscall or show any signs of being a human being and must have access to supernatural information all the time that they are channeling. And that not a trace of their humanity or human fallibility can leak through while they are channeling. Continue reading