Mystery Message: Runaway Daughter

I got a spiritual tap on the shoulder, so to speak, to post this message. I am going on faith that it is an accurate message that will reach the person it is intended for. I would like to comment on it, but I am being given a very strong directive to not say anything and to just let the message stand as I received it. I am not even allowed to give the usual caveats. So here it is.

Children don’t run away from home for no reason. If you are thinking that you did not contribute in any way to your child running away, please do your best to examine yourself and your interactions with your daughter. We know it is difficult to shine light on areas that have been kept dark for so long, but if you wish to see your daughter again, you must stop feeling sorry for yourself and saying you did nothing wrong.

Though we are not saying you did anything wrong. What we are saying is that sometimes a woman can be caught up in her own image of herself and lose sight of how she is treating others around her. Your outside appearance—the image you presented to those outside the family—was very strongly different from the face you turned toward your daughter. We believe that you know this at your core and that you fear having to confront your own inner demons. You fear finding out the “devastating” truth about yourself, which is that you sometimes make mistakes and that you are not perfect.

But what can be more devastating than losing your beloved daughter, whom you truly love but didn’t act lovingly toward? Yet it is never too late to change.

Take heart and take heed. She can be in your life again if you truly wish it, and you can show that you truly wish it by focusing on becoming more aware of who you truly are—both your strengths and yes, your weaknesses. Comfort yourself in knowing that everyone is a mix of the strong and the weak, and that everyone is struggling with some issue or another, even if you don’t see it. So it means nothing bad about yourself if you admit what it is that you are most afraid of, and start working on that issue; in fact, it means everything good, in that the healing will have finally started for you and so, in a sense, for the rest of the world. Be at peace and take heart. Amen.

What to do with Reality

In the early 1980s, I started reading a series of books by Jane Roberts. Much like me, Jane Roberts was a highly gifted and clear channeler, though she was a trance channel while I am a conscious channel, and she mainly focused on creating and building a relationship with one entity, Seth, while I seem to have a cadre of spirit friends. Neither approach is better than the other; I am just pointing out similarities and differences.

Seth is what I call a probability master; he conveys a ton of information on the topic of probabilities and on how we construct our realities.

The Seth books were not my first introduction to the idea that we each create our individual realities—starting when I was 11, my mother used to drag me off to our local Church of Religious Science. The Religious Scientists basically teach the same thing, though they use different terminology, so when I started reading the Seth books, the concepts weren’t entirely new. However, the way they were presented, and the vast additional amount of practical information on how the universe works, were.

What to do with Ten Million Dollars

Publisher’s Clearing House, or PCH as they like to call themselves, sends me enticing mail all the time that begs me not to throw it away because I will be sorry when someone else wins “my” ten million dollars. I used to faithfully enter, but realized after a while that if I am going to win ten million dollars—which I assure myself will happen if it is for my higher good—then I don’t need to fill out the paper things. I can just enter online. Easy peasy.

It could happen.

And like probably everyone else who gets those letters, I sometimes entertain myself by thinking about what I would do if I won that ten million dollars. The thing that might surprise people is that I wouldn’t stop working. Yes, I would gracefully hand over my current contract work to someone else (but not your books, Ingrid! Those are as much a labor of love as anything else!). But I plan to be a writer and psychic the rest of my life. If I had a few handy millions of dollars, I could certainly invest it in such a way that I could spend more time working on my own stuff.

If I won ten million dollars, the first thing I would do would be to thank God and all spiritual beings who might have had an ethereal hand in helping create such an event.

Then my thanks would have to be in a more tangible form, as the IRS and the great State of California take their large cuts. Though our tax dollars do accomplish a lot of social good.

Then I would pay off my debts and set up a trust fund for my daughter.