Author: Marina

The FURminator Really Works

I came across several Web sites that recommended a grooming aid for cats and dogs called the FURminator. I was skeptical at first, but our cats really needed something and nothing we’ve tried before has been of much use. Rakes, brushes, combs, those weird loop blade things—they all disappointed us. I especially wanted something for my […]

Autism and Vaccinations

About 14 years ago, I had a vivid dream in which I visited a woman I had recently met on the Internet. I saw her teaching an entire classroom full of autistic children. The classroom, however, had only two partial walls and no roof, and above, the sky was that dark grey-blue of thick storm […]

Tarring With the Same Brush

That’s an expression meaning to denigrate two separate, different things as though they were one and the same. It is an insidious logical fallacy, and unfortunately one that slips under many people’s radars. Two things that are so tarred by many Christians are people who are striving to create a New World Order  and people who […]

What Modern Poetry Is–And Isn't

I love poetry as much as anybody. More than some, I am sure, though of course certainly less than others. I’ve studied it, written it, even been praised by a respected poet as having “it.” So I think I have some credibility in saying that much of what passes for modern poetry is not poetry. […]

A Decommissioning Prayer

I recently watched The Caine Mutiny, a classic film released in 1954, for the first time. It was far better than I expected. If you have not already seen it, I highly recommend it. At the end of the movie, the character through whose eyes we have seen the story unfold takes a destroyer out […]