Cooking and Recipes

Announcing my Delectable Desserts cookbook!

You can now purchase Delectable Desserts from Amazon. It’s available in print and Kindle. This book is volume 1 in a series of cookbooks; the series is called Delicious Connections. Update July 9, 2021: I’ve changed the cover, and the second volume, Recipes Your Mother Knew by Heart, is now in print! I love so […]

Seven surprising foods you can freeze

Have you ever had a quantity of some food that you couldn’t use right away? Maybe you had some egg whites from separating eggs for a recipe that only called for the yolks, or you bought butter on sale. Of course you know about freezing fruits, vegetables, meats, and leftover meals. But you don’t know […]

How to care for your wooden cutting board

Wooden cutting boards get dry and need to be oiled regularly. Some people recommend using mineral oil because, they say, other oils will turn rancid over time. But mineral oil is a petroleum by-product, which I find undesirable for a number of reasons. And in my many years of oiling my cutting boards with natural food oils […]

Amazingly tasty yet gluten-free chocolate bourbon hazelnut pie with hazelnut crust

This recipe is my adaptation of the Pacific Pie Company’s delicious chocolate bourbon hazelnut pie recipe. The filling is already naturally gluten free (though I tweaked it just a tiny bit anyway), but I wanted to make the entire pie gluten-free so my daughter, who is avoiding gluten, could enjoy it. So I needed to use a different crust. […]

Pineapple Blueberry Smoothie

I just invented another of my delicious smoothies. This one was experimental (as most of them are), but unlike some of them, it came out perfectly delicious. Someday I’ll publish my cookbook, which is filled with original recipes for everything from smoothies to bean dishes to curries and soups. Meanwhile, here is my Pineapple Blueberry […]

Solutions for Bad Backs

Lots of us have suffered back pain (upper, lower, mid) and neck pain, often because we have been sitting at desks for years, maybe decades, leaning forward to see our monitors. I prefer natural remedies and have been advocating turmeric as a wonder “drug”; it is a natural anti-inflammatory and pain reliever, and has a […]