Romantic Relationships. A newer article with some practicale advice and book recommendations for creating more positive, happier, healthier relationships. (December 2006.)
Universal Parenting Principles, a bold statement of universal principles to follow when parenting or even interacting with any child (February 4, 2006).
A brief essay on my parenting rules. Older essay.
Lessons in Discernment
- Judgment and Discernment, an older article but still worth a look.
- Perfection and Responsibility: Are We Really Always Doing Our Best?, an older article but still worth a look.
- Carrot Danglers, concerning people who promise but never deliver.
- Feelings and Responsibility, concerning our emotions and who is responsible for them. An older article but still worth a look.
Essays on Life from a Spiritual Perspective
- Old articles: A Return to "Ban the Bra"? and the related Nurturing Natures: Motherhood and Apple Pie, regarding research that claims to have found a link between breast cancer and wearing bras for too long at a time.
- Genocide and the Mother in World War II: A short essay on the spiritual origins of World War II. Older, very brief essay.
- Death of a Salesman. Older article.